Areas of Law We Practice

Brimage Law Group is a multi-practice law firm representing a collaborative of talented lawyers that excel in: Real Estate Law Business Law Wills & Estates Family Law Civil Litigation Personal Injury Agriculture Law Municipal Law

= Success.

It’s the rule of Brimage Law.

Our multi-practice law firm is comprised of a highly valued and dedicated support staff, as well as talented lawyers whose specialities and legal experience are as vast as their backgrounds. From ruling as a courtroom Judge, to authoring a book on Canadian Agriculture Law & forming persuasive arguments at the Supreme Court of Canada, our team’s experience is as diverse as Norfolk County itself. In fact, most of our lawyers proudly live in Norfolk County, where they were born and raised.

Learn more about Brimage Law Practices

Real Estate Law
Bringing You Home

Real Estate Law

Business Law
Your Business Matters

Business Law

Wills & Estates
Taking Care of Your Family

Wills & Estates

Family Law
Finding Your Happily Ever After

Family Law

Civil Litigation
Brimage Fights for You

Civil Litigation

Personal Injury
Pain with Less Suffering

Personal Injury

Agriculture Law
Growing Relationships

Agriculture Law

Municipal Law
Making Complex Simple

Municipal Law

Get our team working for you.

Contact us See Our Lawyers

Did you know?

  • Keep your lawyer’s contact information on hand at all times just in case of a legal misunderstanding » Learn more
  • Civil claims have set limitation periods so it is important to file as soon as possible » Learn more
  • Brimage Law Group is Norfolk County’s only law firm with dedicated business lawyers » Learn more
  • Many lawsuits are settled before a trial begins » Learn more
  • If you are arrested or detained you have the right to be told why you have been arrested or detained » Learn more
  • Always declare an alternative guardian for any minor children in case your first choice is unable to care for them » Learn more
  • Sole proprietorship, partnership and incorporation all have their advantages and disadvantages » Learn more
  • It’s very important to have all your documents completed properly and to have your case accurately and thoroughly stated » Learn more
  • If a “limitation period” passes with no actions taken you could miss out on the compensation you deserve » Learn more
  • You can write conditions into your Will to change it in the event of “special circumstances” » Learn more
  • Update your Will with every major change to your life, family or finances » Learn more
  • Additional expenses in real estate transactions should be transferred via certified cheque from your bank for the exact amount » Learn more
  • In custody agreements it’s important to include grandparents’ visitation rights » Learn more
  • When selling a property have the utility companies do the final readings to avoid contest » Learn more
  • Before entering a business partnership it’s important that a partnership agreement is drafted by an experienced business lawyer » Learn more
  • When buying a property all documents (from both lenders and realtors) should be run by an experienced real estate lawyer » Learn more

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