• Agriculture Law Practice

    Agriculture Law
    Growing Relationships

“Norfolk County, Ontario’s Garden, is steeped in agricultural tradition. Since 1949, Brimage Law Group has evolved and grown along with our farms.”


Like most of our areas of practice, Agriculture Law is not mutually exclusive, and often crosses over to areas such as Business Law. However, our mandate to maintain agriculture as a separate practice speaks to Brimage Law Group’s desire to recognize the industry as a major contributor to our global community.


Brimage Law Group is closely tied to Norfolk County’s agricultural community. Several of our lawyers grew up on family farms that continue to thrive here today. Agriculture and agribusiness is our community’s backbone, and we recognize the need to assist and lead the industry.


Brimage Law Group is proud to have one of our partners author “Agriculture Law In Canada.” As farmers continue to diversify and evolve alongside the agribusiness sector as a whole, introducing new practices such as wind and solar green energy initiatives and FIT (Feed-in Tariff) programs, we are dedicated to meeting the industry’s legal needs now and for years to come.

The best place for farms to turn for legal help is the law firm with deep agricultural roots.

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Did we mention one of our lawyers wrote the book on Agriculture Law?

Agriculture Law in Canada Book

Our own Robert Fuller is lead author of Agriculture Law in Canada–the only authoritative text on this critical industry. Now in it’s second edition, Agriculture Law in Canada offers comprehensive coverage of the legal issues facing the ever-evolving farming industry including: Farm Ownership (purchase and sale, leasing), Public Control of Farm Land, Farm Operations, Farm Financing, Employment Law, Liability on the Farm, Farm Succession & Estate Planning, Regulating Production & Sales of Agricultural Products, Taxation of Farming and more. This go-to resource has proven invaluable to anyone working in the agriculture and agri-food industry in Canada, including farmers, lenders, accountants and particularly legal professionals.

Did you know?

  • When selling a property have the utility companies do the final readings to avoid contest » Learn more
  • Civil claims have set limitation periods so it is important to file as soon as possible » Learn more
  • When buying a property all documents (from both lenders and realtors) should be run by an experienced real estate lawyer » Learn more
  • In custody agreements it’s important to include grandparents’ visitation rights » Learn more
  • If a “limitation period” passes with no actions taken you could miss out on the compensation you deserve » Learn more
  • Keep your lawyer’s contact information on hand at all times just in case of a legal misunderstanding » Learn more
  • Before entering a business partnership it’s important that a partnership agreement is drafted by an experienced business lawyer » Learn more
  • Sole proprietorship, partnership and incorporation all have their advantages and disadvantages » Learn more
  • Always declare an alternative guardian for any minor children in case your first choice is unable to care for them » Learn more
  • It’s very important to have all your documents completed properly and to have your case accurately and thoroughly stated » Learn more
  • If you are arrested or detained you have the right to be told why you have been arrested or detained » Learn more
  • You can write conditions into your Will to change it in the event of “special circumstances” » Learn more
  • Many lawsuits are settled before a trial begins » Learn more
  • Update your Will with every major change to your life, family or finances » Learn more
  • Brimage Law Group is Norfolk County’s only law firm with dedicated business lawyers » Learn more
  • Additional expenses in real estate transactions should be transferred via certified cheque from your bank for the exact amount » Learn more

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