• Wills & Estates Law Practice

    Wills & Estates
    Taking Care of Your Family

Brimage Wills & Estate lawyers have earned an excellent reputation for their capabilities in estate planning

“Will I?” Yes, you should!

You’ve worked hard to acquire assets throughout your lifetime: Real estate, investments, cherished items and so forth. Those assets should be safeguarded in the form of a personal and/or corporate Will.

Brimage Law Group is sensitive and compassionate about all elements of estate planning. This process can include: Wills, Powers of Attorneys and transfer of assets through trusts.

Careful consideration and counsel NOW allows your exact wishes to be carried out with minimal disruption and costs later!

  • Incapacity issues
  • Estate Litigation (Will challenges)
  • Business Succession
  • Probate (administration of estate)
  • Estate Administration Tax
  • Power of Attorney
  • Solving issues and/or disputes
  • Living Wills
  • Tax minimization strategies
  • Disability Issues (Henson Trusts)
  • Income splitting
  • Minimizing liabilities
  • Physical and mental challenges
  • Disability insurance

A Brimage Law Group Will is more cost effective than you would think.

Contact Brimage Today

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Did you know?

  • When buying a property all documents (from both lenders and realtors) should be run by an experienced real estate lawyer » Learn more
  • Always declare an alternative guardian for any minor children in case your first choice is unable to care for them » Learn more
  • In custody agreements it’s important to include grandparents’ visitation rights » Learn more
  • Update your Will with every major change to your life, family or finances » Learn more
  • When selling a property have the utility companies do the final readings to avoid contest » Learn more
  • Before entering a business partnership it’s important that a partnership agreement is drafted by an experienced business lawyer » Learn more
  • Additional expenses in real estate transactions should be transferred via certified cheque from your bank for the exact amount » Learn more
  • Keep your lawyer’s contact information on hand at all times just in case of a legal misunderstanding » Learn more
  • Civil claims have set limitation periods so it is important to file as soon as possible » Learn more
  • Many lawsuits are settled before a trial begins » Learn more
  • Brimage Law Group is Norfolk County’s only law firm with dedicated business lawyers » Learn more
  • If you are arrested or detained you have the right to be told why you have been arrested or detained » Learn more
  • Sole proprietorship, partnership and incorporation all have their advantages and disadvantages » Learn more
  • It’s very important to have all your documents completed properly and to have your case accurately and thoroughly stated » Learn more
  • You can write conditions into your Will to change it in the event of “special circumstances” » Learn more
  • If a “limitation period” passes with no actions taken you could miss out on the compensation you deserve » Learn more

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