• Easy to read articles on legal proceedings and procedures along with legal tips by the Lawyers at Brimage Law Group

    Legal Articles

    By the lawyers of Brimage

Finders Are Not Always Keepers

The story takes place in Stratford where Jean and Harry Weitzner lived together for 38 years prior to Harry’s tragic death in a fire in 1989. Harry left a will naming his wife as his sole heir.

For about 30 years, Harry operated a scrapyard on the site, using a portion of his home as a business office. The property was sold by Jean to Hermans in 1997 who then had the house demolished by Cornelius Goncalves.

During the demolition, a fire extinguisher rolled out of a crawl space under the business office in the home. An unspecified quantity of silver coins were found in the extinguisher, along with $130,000 in old $50 and $100 bills. The money was in 26 neat bundles of $5,000 each.

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Buying a Business

Rather than starting up a business from scratch, some people would rather buy an ongoing “turn-key” operation. This can save a lot of hassles and provide a Banker with a history of operations for financing purposes. Deciding on whether to buy a business should include extensive discussions of its value and desirability with your professional advisors, most particularly your accountant.

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Property Taxes and Farm Transfers

If you are considering purchasing a farm property or if you are in the midst of a farm purchase you should be aware that a lower “farm lands property class” tax assessment enjoyed by the current owner may not be transferrable to you as a purchaser unless certain formalities are observed.

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Have You Reviewed Your Will Lately?

A Will is a legal document which provides for the distribution of your property to anyone named as your beneficiary after your death and appoints someone to administer your estate. Since no one likes to dwell on this inevitable aspect of life, many people put off making their Will, or do not review their Will on a regular basis. In fact, a majority of Canadians under 65 do not have an up-to-date Will. In addition to the emotional reasons, many people mistakenly think they don’t need a Will.

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Obtaining a Divorce?

Divorces can be obtained by either the husband or the wife after the couple have been living separate and apart for one year. This does not necessarily mean that the couple have to have been living in separate places. It is possible to be living separate and apart in the same house if you no longer share your life with the other person.

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Did you know?

  • Always declare an alternative guardian for any minor children in case your first choice is unable to care for them » Learn more
  • Keep your lawyer’s contact information on hand at all times just in case of a legal misunderstanding » Learn more
  • When selling a property have the utility companies do the final readings to avoid contest » Learn more
  • Additional expenses in real estate transactions should be transferred via certified cheque from your bank for the exact amount » Learn more
  • If you are arrested or detained you have the right to be told why you have been arrested or detained » Learn more
  • Civil claims have set limitation periods so it is important to file as soon as possible » Learn more
  • Many lawsuits are settled before a trial begins » Learn more
  • Brimage Law Group is Norfolk County’s only law firm with dedicated business lawyers » Learn more
  • Before entering a business partnership it’s important that a partnership agreement is drafted by an experienced business lawyer » Learn more
  • When buying a property all documents (from both lenders and realtors) should be run by an experienced real estate lawyer » Learn more
  • You can write conditions into your Will to change it in the event of “special circumstances” » Learn more
  • In custody agreements it’s important to include grandparents’ visitation rights » Learn more
  • Sole proprietorship, partnership and incorporation all have their advantages and disadvantages » Learn more
  • Update your Will with every major change to your life, family or finances » Learn more
  • It’s very important to have all your documents completed properly and to have your case accurately and thoroughly stated » Learn more
  • If a “limitation period” passes with no actions taken you could miss out on the compensation you deserve » Learn more

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